济南华世诺数控设备有限公司(济南华诺机器厂)专门从事雕刻机设备、铝合金门窗设备、塑钢门窗设备、中空玻璃设备、无缝焊接设备的研制、开发、生产与销售为一体的企业。木工雕刻机适用于木工行业:立体波浪板加工、木门、屏风、工艺扇窗加工,各种家具产品的辅助加工。广告行业:广告标牌、标识制作、压克力切割、吸塑制模、多种材料广告装饰产品的制作。 石材雕刻机适用于花岗岩、大理石、青石、砂岩等硬质石材雕刻,此外可以用于玻璃、木工、广告等材料,应用广泛,实用性强。BX1600A玻璃清洗干燥机
Washing-Drying machine
性能特点:Performance characterisiic;
(1)rinsing scctor and water flow system adopt rustproot and rotproof
materil,which can bear roughly usage.
(2)The center sector divides into rising room watetrobsorbing room and
dry room,ithas excellent effect on rinsing and drying.
(3)Drying sector adopts sponge stick to absorb water,and use hot wind to
dry.if hs wonderfuleffect on dryness.
(4)The transmission system of rinsing machineadopts unlimited speed adjustment
to realizehigh efficiency application.