whether the items that you require are stored in our warehouse. Goods ordered until 18:00 (fridays until 16:30) are dispatched on the same day.
• the up-to-date price (there is always an updated price list available).
• all of the Landefeld items in the product range (more than 100.000 stored items).
In our eShop you can:
• order "free delivery" (within Germany, up to 40kg and 2m in lenght, with an order value of more than 50 euro).
• minimise your warehouse stock, because you can fall back on our 27.000 m² large warehouse.
• place orders and invite offers at anytime.
天津赛力斯自动化科技有限公司经销机械设备、电子元件、仪器仪表、五金器械,我公司总部设在德国不莱梅市,凡是欧洲(德国为主)生产的工业产品我公司 都能以格购买到并送到您手上。公司主要经营欧、美、日等发达的机电一体化设备、高精度分析检测仪器、环境与新能源工业设备及电动工具等工控自动化产品。“整合行业较优资源,力争行业较好口碑,勇做行业发展引擎”将是赛力斯人永远的追求,我们愿与更多的用户和国内外品牌供应商携手并进,一起为国内工业发展贡献力量,共同发展,共同繁荣。