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美国Moldmax 40 预硬至HRC36-42 化学成分: Be 铍 1.9 Co 钻+Ni 镍 0.25 Cu 铜 97.85 特性: 高强度合金铍铜,优良导热性能特佳,容易加工,变形度低 用途: 适用于需快速冷却的模芯及镶件 Brush Wellman offers a variety of copper mold alloys to fit your every need. The MoldMAX® copper beryllium alloys are MoldMAX HH® (High Hardness), MoldMAX LH® (Low Hardness) and MoldMAX SC (Super Conductivity). Brush Wellman also offers non-beryllium alloys in MoldMAX XL® and MoldMAX V®. Grade Alloy Hardness Application MoldMAX HH® CuBe 40 Rc Injection Molds – longest life, Blow mold components MoldMAX LH® CuBe 30 Rc Injection Molds – fastest cycle, blow mold components MoldMAX SC CuBe 20 Rc Blow molds, hot runner tips MoldMAX XL® CuNiSn 30 Rc Injection Molds requiring good polishability, large sizes MoldMAX V® CuNiSiCr 28 Rc Injection Molds – fastest cycle All MoldMAX products are high performance alloys specifically designed for the plastic processing industry. These alloys offer a unique combination of thermal conductivity and strength that provides important benefits for the molding process. WHY USE BRUSH WELLMAN MOLD ALLOYS A MOLD MUST: BRUSH WELLMAN MOLD ALLOYS PROVIDE: BENEFITS: Transfer heat rapidly The highest thermal conductivity available Rapid heat transfer Faster cycle times Lower processing costs Transfer heat uniformly Uniform cooling Dimensionally correct parts Minimal warpage Reduced scrap rates Provide long life Better wear properties than tool steels Higher cycle life with lower maintenance costs Less downtime Be easily fabricated Faster machining rates than tool steels Machining Guidelines Lower mold fabrication costs THE MOLDMAX® ADVANTAGE Through the unique combination of thermal conductivity and strength available in The MoldMAX product line, these copper mold alloys provide: Shorter cycle time Improved plastic part dimensional control Better parting line maintenance Excellent corrosion resistance MoldMAX provides strength and wear resistance similar to that of many tool steels. In addition, MoldMAX offers athermal conductivity up to ten times greater than steeland comparable to aluminum. MoldMAX is typically specified for: Injection mold components and cavity inserts Blow mold pinch offs, neck rings and handle inserts Hot runner system injection nozzles and manifolds MoldMAX SC provides the highest thermal conductivity available in a mold material…ten times greater than steel and twice that of aluminum. MoldMAX SC also offers a hardness and strength exceeding aluminum. MoldMAX SC is specifically designed for foam processing, hot runner systems, blow molds and other applications where maximum heat removal or control is required. ATTRIBUTES Heat treated and ready to machine Resistant to corrosion Fully machinable Easy to polish Can be welded to copper and other alloys Available in large block sizes High levels of strength and conductivity 缩短生产周期、产品成本降低 改善产品的质量,以致有效减低废品率 快3倍的机械加工速率,模具和缩短交货时间令模具的加工成本降低 类似模具钢的加工方法,无需大量的加工变动 超过一百万次的生产周期,使维修费用降低 模具减低设计和成本降低 减少的成本和提高的产品质量,以致每件产品成本降低 moldMAX®提供类模具钢的强度和耐磨性,和可与铝材媲美的导热性能,为钢材的三至四倍。moldMAX®一般被指定用于整体型腔和型芯、吹塑模的切胶位、颈圈及手柄镶块、整体型腔和型芯内镶块、注塑模具配件、和热浇注系统的喷嘴和集管等。 在现有的模具材料中,PROtherm®提供最高的导热性能,超过钢材的十倍之多,亦为铝材的两倍。PROtherm®还提供高子铝材的硬度和强度。PROtherm®是专门为于泡沫成型、型芯顶盖、热浇注系统以及其他需最大热量移除或控制的应用。 导热性能的优点 模具设计可充分利用这些合金的导热性能与强度的优良组合,塑胶产品从而获得迅速而更均匀的热量移除。最大效益是产品较少的模塑后的翘曲和收缩。一旦模塑参数达最优值,生产周期可缩短和更佳的尺寸控制。使用moldMAX®和PROtherm®的集管设计可导致更均匀的塑料熔融温度的控制。将更均匀和已预计的塑料熔融传送到模具型腔,以致更好优质的质量控制。 耐磨性的优点 模具寿命旳基本因素取决于抗磨耗和黏合的性能。moldMAX®具备优良的抗磨耗性能,以作型芯和型腔镶块及注塑模具配件时可直接与塑料接触。 耐腐蚀性优点 moldMAX®和PROtherm®,皆为铜基本合金,提供极佳的抗腐蚀性能,如耐盐酸、耐碳酸、及由于注塑加工而产生的类似分解 酸性物质。结果,这两种合金都十分适合作为潜有腐蚀性塑料的模具,如PVC。 加工性能的优点 moldMAX®和PROtherm®可作任何加工。在传统的加工工序,moldMAX®和PROtherm®的机械加工性能是钢材的3倍。 可补焊的优点 与钢材和铝材不同,moldMAX®和PROtherm®模具易于进行补焊维修,不会影响模具的整体强度。建议采用钨极惰性气体作保护电弧焊接法(TIG/GTAW)和金属焊条惰性气体保护电弧焊接法(MIG/GMAW)。 建议采用WeldPak®是焊条。WeldPak®是moldMAX®的棒材,长度为三尺和3/32¨、1/16¨、1/8¨的直径或这些直径的组合数量。 表面处理 moldMAX®和PROtherm®的耐磨性、抗腐蚀性和脱模可采用标准的表面处理而增加性能。moldMAX®和PROtherm®可以表面镀铬、无电极镀镍、氮化钛和二硫化钨。如需更多详细资料,请与我们的客户技术服务部门联络。 减少生产周期 Weatherchem公司是一家塑料产品制造商,其草地自动洒水系统的调节旋钮配件于注塑过程中,因采用moldMAX®作衬套及PROtherm® 取代沿用的模具钢材作内芯(PT-18): 缩短生产周期41%。因此生产周期由37秒缩短到22秒。衬套采用moldMAX HH(高强度MM40)增加了将热量从塑料产品移除的效率。 设计自由度 Carlon公司是一家领导市场的PVC导管及接头的的制造商,他们采用moldMAX HH® (MM40)改良光纤导管接头的模具。沿用的不锈钢型芯模具在不到2千个周期,在底部开裂。Carlon采用moldMAX®的热传导性能和强度的独特组合而简化型芯的冷水道系统,因而增加模芯的强度以消除开裂的失效。 供货 moldMAX®和PROtherm®已预硬状态供货,MoldMax HH (MM40)和LH (MM30,30HC硬度)均以板材,捧材,及管材的标准尺寸供货特定尺寸和经切锯后的尺寸可从特约经销商采购。 moldMAX®型芯销和起模杆,硬度最小值为HRC40,同样也以4¨、8¨、12¨和18¨的长度供货,圆柱直径范围从1/8¨到1¨。如果您想了解更多信息,可参见Brush Wellman的型芯销和起模杆数据表。
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