牌号: 美洁灵 产商/产地: 广东东莞 含量≥: 23.2(%)
粘度: 2(S)
Special acrylic polymer resin and PE wax emulsion for scientific comparison, suitable for high flow momentum floor maintenance, with high-speed polishing machine has crystal transparent glossy, with wear, waterproof, oil pollution prevention and non-slip effect.
Product application: airport, hotel, supermarket, property, factories and other places of floor.
1. 用起蜡水去除旧的底蜡及面蜡。2. 用清水将地面清洗2-3次,待其干透。3. 用干净蜡拖或打蜡器均匀涂满地面,待其干透(约30-60分钟)后再上另一层底蜡(视地面封闭性而确定上一层至三层底蜡)。
Directions:In 1. Remove the old bottom wax and surface wax with wax-remover.In 2. Clean the ground 2-3 times with water, let dry.In 3. Spray on the floor equally with mop or special machine, repeat again after dry(about 30-60 minutes). According to need to repeat.
产品规格:4x1加仑/箱 20L/桶Product specification: 4 x 1 gallons / box 20L / barrel