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KV-168A/F-0气动罩杯定型机 KV-168A/F-0 Pneumatic Bra Cup Molding Machine 用途:主要用于内衣模杯产品及其他同类产品的定型生产。 特点: (1) 机体外形精巧,结构紧凑,上下模易吻合,运作平稳; . (2) 内置式电热管装置,温控表及保温材料控温隔热,继电器自动显示加温时间,减少电量消耗; (3) 左右独立恒温控制及上下模双向驱动,均衡左右模杯温度,有效利用整机空间,克服传统温差过大造成的阴阳色差缺陷; 技术参数: 电源/功率:220V/8KW 电热片规格:Φ12×220mm×500W/200V 模台尺寸:450mm×220mm 机台尺寸:1450mm×650mm×1850mm 适用物料:文胸、服装等面料 适用模具:文胸棉模及定布模具 重量:350KG Function: It is mainly used for molding different foam bra cups and other similar products.. Features: (1) It is delicate and exquisite in appearance and compact in structure. The upper moulds can be easily coincided with the lower moulds so as to operate steadily. (2) Equipped with the internal heating pipes, imported thermostat and heat insulator materials to control the temperature. The machine can show the heating time automatically and reduce the power-consumption. (3) It adopts independent thermostatic control in both sides and upper and lower bi-directional driver, which can balance the temperature of left and right moulds and make effective use of the whole space, overcoming the chromatism defect caused by the difference in temperature. Technical parameter: (1) Power supply/power: 220V/8KW (2) Specification of the electrothermal tube : Φ12×220mm×500W/200V (3) Dimension of the mould table: 450mm×220mm (4) Dimension of the machine: 1450mm×650mm×1850mm (5) Suitable material: foam or fabric materials for bras and other garments. (6) Suitable moulds: moulds for foam bra cup and fabric cup (7) Weight:350KG 欢迎广大用户来电咨询,联系人:陈佩英(手机:15817935595),谢谢支持!